What you will learn

The educational program "Public Speaking" contributes to gaining insight into the complex structure of contemporary media images, performances, and narratives; observing the conditioning of interdisciplinary elements and connections; crystallization of modern communication accumulation in business and PR communication.

Familiarize yourself with theoretical and practical models of communication and narratology, practical applications, and sovereignly master communication methods in dispersive activities (from journalism to business communication).

Achieve opportunities to recognize meaning and intent in communication; the formation of analytical thought, as well as the creation of strategic/communication potential and the acquisition of improvisation skills in communication.

At the end of the training, regular participants receive an official Molèn Academy certificate.

Note: Due to the quality of lectures and workshops, the number of places in the group is limited to 9 people.

Payment is possible in two installments, except in the case when the student registers before the very beginning of the program.


Miomir PetrovićPh.D, Dramaturge, Author, Professor of university